Benefits Of Gambling Being Legalized

Benefits Of Gambling Being Legalized 5,0/5 1871 votes

Although religious and moral objections have opposed gambling for centuries, there are real social and personal benefits from gamblling.

On the other end of the spectrum are states, such as Texas and Virginia, which Whyte said have “extensive legalized gambling and little or no formal spending on treatment.” Lori Rugle, program director of the Maryland Center, agrees that Maryland needs to better understand the effect gambling has on individuals and communities. The benefits of legalized gambling do not outweigh the costs, because it does ruin lives and the taxpayers have to pay for it in the end. Job creation and tourism generation are really good benefits of legalized gambling. However, they do not come close to outweighing the social and economic costs associated with it. Legalized gambling is being pushed by states that are bumming for more revenue. New Jersey’s bid for legalization originated in its unfunded obligations. Kentucky sees it as an opportunity to. Legalized gambling is an industry regulated by agencies of state, and federal government. These governmental agencies establish regulations that focus on the policy functions of gambling entities. The agencies ensure the integrity of the games offered to the public, and assume the responsibility to protect the public against unfair or dishonest gamming practices by those gambling entities. Gambling legalized The Benefits of Gambling in Society The interchange of people and culture among the different countries worldwide is a major indication that globalization has already made a major impact on the world. Jun 04, 2011  Many states in America have legalized gambling and are enjoying the benefits of doing so. However, along with certain economical advantages, there are many social disadvantages that accompany this legalization as well.

How often do you see “experts” mention the benefits of gambling on the news or in business conference settings? For that matter, how often do the universities teach students about how great gambling is? And what about the churches?

Although more than 1 billion people gamble each year (about 1/7 of the world’s population), many religious people argue that gambling is sinful. While various religious traditions differ on why they oppose gambling, among Christians the gambling stereotype has long been used to depict a major sin. Oddly enough, the Bible has nothing to say about gambling, although many people mistakenly believe that gambling is a sin.

Some Christian writers reinterpret the many of passages to support their arguments against gambling. The Bible’s warnings against “loving money” more than “loving god” have nothing to do with gambling; a businessman who never gambles can love money. A poor person with no income can love money. Sadly many generations of devout people have been misled into thinking that gambling itself is a sin.

On the other hand gambling has been the ruin of many a man — there is no doubt about that. Science has shown that gambling addiction is real and it causes severe changes to brain function and chemistry. People who cannot stop gambling truly cannot – and they need to seek help for their gambling addiction.

And perhaps because of these many concerns, many people do ask what are the benefits of gambling. Below you’ll find some of the good benefits of gambling. The list is not exhaustive. Nor is it intended to be a full-throttle rebuttal against anti-gambling arguments. People should be aware that despite its darker side gambling does provide real value to society in many ways.

Also, if you are interested in learning more about online gambling, you will find some great articles at About Slots.

Here are 7 benefits of gambling anyone should appreciate:

  1. Local Economies Benefit from Gambling Business
  2. People Use Gambling for Fun and Entertainment
  3. Modern Casinos Offer Safe Environments for Gambling
  4. Some People Do Win Money from Gambling
  5. Government Tax Revenues Rely on Gambling
  6. New Income Opportunities Arise in the Gambling Industry
  7. Gaming and Play Include Gambling

1. Local Economies Benefit from Gambling Business

Legalized Gambling Pros And Cons

The more people who gather in an area the more economic activity they create. People exchange goods and services, or they exchange money for goods and services. Local populations gain jobs, new customers, and sell more goods and services when a casino opens in their community. And these people spend the money they earn in their own local economies.

Newly built casinos create many opportunities for their local workers and business businesses. And because they attract large numbers of travelers casinos help local hotels and other tourist attractions. Much of the money these people lose at the casinos is spent on those employees and local services.

2. People Use Gambling for Fun and Entertainment

Yes, you will probably lose money when you gamble but if you have fun doing so, what is the difference between losing $200 at a casino and spending $200 on expensive tickets for a show or sporting event? You still had fun. You still went home safe and satisfied.

If you can live without the gambling but enjoy it — you’re probably okay. If you only gamble with money you can afford to lose, and not with money you need for bills and to live on — you’re probably okay. Gambling is a great group activity for friends and family, and many groups do organize special gambling trips to casinos that are maybe a few hours’ drive away.

3. Modern Casinos Offer Safe Environments for Gambling

Sure, there are seedy backroom gambling parlors where people you would not want to cross come to gamble, but that stereotype has been put down in many places by large, professional casinos. Shearon harris lake boat ramps. The casinos hire security guards, monitor their parking lots, and take precautions against violent crime afflicting their patrons. Yes, crime still happens around casinos but it is rare and police are usually close by.

No place is truly safe but a large gambling pavilion like a casino or race track offers a safe environment in which to eat, enjoy live shows (or sometimes closed-circuit broadcasts), and generally to have an enjoyable experience. You may even win some money.

4. Some People Do Win Money from Gambling

Yes, there are always winners in gambling. I don’t mean “the house always wins”, although that is most often true. I mean that every day casinos and racing tracks pay out large sums to people who “beat the odds”. So you just may find yourself with an unexpected, delightful windfall.

Winning at gambling is not easy and it’s a hard lifestyle for those who practice it full-time. Gambling is a feast-or-famine proposition for many professionals, but some people believe they can beat the odds consistently by mastering the skills of poker and blackjack.

5. Government Tax Revenues Rely on Gambling

If you pay taxes on your gambling winnings then you are being a good citizen. But there is another form of gambling that contributes to government revenues: government-run lotteries. Lottery games like Powerball and Mega Millions, not to mention thousands of scratch off games, generate billions of dollars in revenues for states every year.

The lottery is a self-imposed tax. It doesn’t generate enough money to replace the income tax but it certainly makes a big difference in state budgets. Of course, the original justifications for running state-run lotteries included funding educational initiatives. But critics have warned that when economies turn bad governments turn to their lottery revenues to fund other needs.

While using lottery revenues for non-educational purpose may not be a bad thing, it is a political hot potato that must be handled carefully. Constituents want to know that their money is being handled responsibly by their government representatives.

6. New Income Opportunities Arise in the Gambling Industry

Believe it or not, there are people who make money off of gambling without gambling. These are the gambling sites affiliates who review online gambling sites and brick-and-mortar casinos. The gambling affiliate industry lives in a shadowy corner of the law, somewhat overlooked by precise laws that stipulate who can earn money from gambling and who cannot. You’re allowed to take payment for advertising. It’s not your responsibility to make sure that players and gaming providers comply with the law.

The affiliate industry is much larger than gambling. Online affiliates sell everything from books to expensive cars. They offer furniture, vacation deals, discount coupons, and just about everything you can imagine.


Benefits Of Sports Gambling

7. Gaming and Play Include Gambling

Gambling is gaming. An Introduction to the Science of Games says that:

Game play is an important part of human behavior but it has taken on more importance than in the individual person’s development. For example, we use the Olympic Games to bring whole nations together in a celebration of fair and brotherly competition. Hundreds of millions of people follow the Olympic sports and other international gaming compatitions closely even though doing so does not enhance their survival or chances of surviving.

Human game play is thus special because it has gone beyond preparing us for life; we now use games to enhance our lives.

“We use games to enhance our lives” is a very apt statement indeed. I think I have shown that games — even gambling — does indeed enhance our lives in many ways.

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  • Visit About Slots for information about slot gaming and slot machine games.
  • Visit Good Gambling Sites for information about gambling and gambling-related Websites.

Legalized Gambling States

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