Secrets Of The Sand

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Disclaimer: Naruto and all related characters, descriptions and events are the exclusive property of Masashi Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot.

This fic is set about a year before the beginning of the Third Great Shinobi War. Mina/Tsuna and Mina/Kushi.

The book image in the Secrets of the Sand video slot simultaneously performs functions of a Scatter and Wild symbols. It replaces all other icons and multiplies total bet by 2x, 20x or 200x. The highest-paying non-special symbol is a portrait of an Egyptian female. It has the multiples of 10x, 100x, 1000x and 5000x. Explore the beach and discover a complex mix of marine life – and former lives – revealed in each handful of sand. As much as 70% of the sand consists of broken shells of mussels, sea urchins, barnacles, and periwinkles – signs of an unusual abundance of calcareous organisms in such a cold climate.

Reviews are greatly appreciated.

Chapter One

He sat on the edge of a tree branch high above the training ground, sky blue eyes fixed on the clouds of dust rising around four sparring figures. A smile tugged at his lips when he observed the fluid movements of Rin and Obito's tandem attacks. Although they were barely managing to keep up with his shadow clone, their marked improvement made his chest swell with pride. His brow creased when he sensed a familiar chakra signature suddenly appear behind him. The high-pitched squeal of lightening filled the space between them as the blond barely managed to deflect his student's attack with a lightening-laced kunai of his own.

'Is something wrong sensei?' Kakashi asked calmly, steely-grey eyes studying his blond-haired sensei as he dispelled his shadow clone below.

'Well done you guys.' Minato said ignoring Kakashi's question as he descended from the tree.

'Oi! Kakashi!' Obito roared angrily pointing at his teammate. 'What do you think you're playing at attacking sensei's real body when we're supposed to be sparring with his clone?!'

'A shinobi should never let his guard down.' Kakashi stated matter-of-factly. 'Or underestimate his opponent.'

'Nani?!' Obito's cried out. 'What does that have to do with anything?!'

'Surely you must have noticed how uncoordinated sensei's shadow clone was just now.' Kakashi cast an accusing glance at his sensei who chuckled sheepishly in response.

'I did.' Rin admitted quietly. 'But I thought he was just holding back so that we would have a fighting chance.'

'Maybe for y—' Minato cleared his throat loudly, pointedly interrupting Kakashi's remark.

'That should do it for today.' Minato declared turning to gaze at the setting sun. 'Obito's grandma asked me to get him home before sundown so we'd better get going don't you think.'

'Ah!' Obito cried out suddenly taken aback. 'She's going to kill me if I'm late for curfew!'

'Don't worry, Obito.' Rin said giving her teammate a reassuring smile. 'I'm sure sensei will help explain the situation to her.'

'Would you, sensei?' Obito asked hopefully. Minato gave him an encouraging nod. 'Wohoo! Come on Rin, let's race to my house!'

'I didn't think it was possible but they've both regressed.' Kakashi stated bluntly. When Minato turned to face him, he narrowed his eyes before adding, 'significantly. Rin particularly.'

'I know.' Minato said with a discouraged sigh. 'I'm sorry today's training wasn't helpful for you—'

'You're too easy on them, sensei.' Kakashi scolded. 'War is coming and we can't afford to have any weak links when we're called on.'

'I wouldn't go so far as to call Rin a weak link, Kakashi!' Minato shot back. 'While she might not be physically strong like you and Obito, she's as perceptive and intelligent as you.'

'What good are intellect and perception when you freeze-up in battle?' Kakashi countered.

'Fighting isn't the only thing shinobi are good for you know?' Minato replied.

'True,' Kakashi agreed. 'But it's a huge part of what we do. You can't protect them from this reality forever. Sooner or later, they'll have to fend for themselves, sensei.'

'They might not be prodigies like you but they are strong in other ways.' Minato sighed as he bent to retrieve the discarded weapons from the floor before returning them to the appropriate weapons pouch.

'None of which really count.' Kakashi remarked bluntly. 'You're coming up on the S-rank mission rotation aren't you?'

'As perceptive as ever Kakashi-kun.' Minato chuckled as he finally straightened up. He pulled out a small storage scroll from his front flak jacket pocket and unfurled it with a swish of his left hand, weaving a hand seal with his right. He carefully placed the training tools and weapons pouches at the center of the scroll before weaving a hand seal. The training equipment disappeared with a faint cloud as Minato retrieved the scroll before returning it to his pocket.

'We're running out of time sensei.' Kakashi observed. 'Our training sessions should be progressing, not stagnating.'

'I know.' Minato replied with a sheepish smile. 'I'm sorry, it's just that…I've been distracted.'

'Is it Kushina-san?' Kakashi asked. Minato shook his head before holding out his left palm. 'Your jutsu?' Minato nodded. Kakashi's grey eyes widened when a sudden spiral of blue chakra materialized in his sensei's outstretched palm. A low hum emitted from the spinning threads of chakra as they grew large enough to fit his palm. Minato turned and plunged his chakra-laden palm into a nearby tree shattering its trunk and splitting it in half. Kakashi watched in awe as the tree snapped forward, falling with a deafening crash that echoed in the training ground around them.

The silver-haired prodigy didn't realize that the hairs on the back of his neck were erect until his sensei turned and gave him a sheepish smile.

'What are you going to call it?' Kakashi wondered quietly.

'I'm not sure.' Minato admitted. 'But I think Dancing Spiral Nimbus Ball has a nice ring to it.'

'It most certainly does not, you know.' Kushina Uzumaki said by way of greeting as she appeared before them.

'Ah, Kushina. When did you get back?' Minato wondered as he turned towards her.

'About an hour ago.' She replied cheerfully turning to inspect the spiral-shaped splinter from the fallen tree. 'We just got done debriefing Sandaime-sama, you know.'

'Welcome back Kushina-san.' Kakashi greeted as he prepared to take his leave. 'I'll be off now, sensei.'

'Ah.' Minato replied distractedly as he observed the deep crease of the redhead's eyebrows as she surveyed his jutsu's damage. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air around them as Minato struggled to find something to fill in the void. Rin and Obito would normally have relieved him of this duty effortlessly, but Kakashi was content with awkward silences if it meant not having to endure small talk. 'Same time tomorrow then Kakashi-kun.' The silver-haired shinobi disappeared with a noncommittal grunt leaving the blond alone with the redhead.

Mood secrets of the sand

It had been ages since they had been alone together and Minato wracked his brain for something meaningful to say. 'I missed you.' Kushina stated bluntly as she finally straightened up. He froze as she turned and flashed him an apologetic smile.


'Show me.' She said abruptly pointing towards his left palm. 'I couldn't see the hand seals you used from afar.'

'I didn't use any hand seals.' Minato replied with a confused blink as he channeled a pulse of chakra to his left palm once more prompting the spinning blue threads to materialize once again. He glanced up to watch the redhead's reaction and instantly wished that he hadn't. Her violet eyes crinkled into a warm smile as they watched the spinning threads of chakra in his palm.

'I see.' The world around him fell away as the butterflies in his stomach only intensified. No matter how many times he saw it, Kushina's beauty always took his breath away. 'That jutsu looks almost exactly like a tailed beast ball.' Minato felt a stab of guilt as she reflexively tugged at her place above her navel where the seal binding the kyuubi's soul to hers lay invisible.

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to—I only thought that—'

'I don't care. I was just saying, you know.' Kushina chuckled rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. 'Walk me home?'

'Crap! That reminds me, Obito!' Minato cried out as he prepared to teleport towards the seal he had marked his student with. 'I'll be right back, I need to take care of something first.'

'Meet me at Ichiraku's!' She called out as he vanished in a blur of yellow.

'What the hell sensei?!' Obito cried out beside himself as Minato materialized on his windowsill. 'Where were you?!'

'Am I too late then?' Minato wondered with an apologetic tilt of his head.

'Grandma grounded me for missing curfew.' Obito whined. 'I tried to explain things to her but she wasn't having it, and Kakashi well don't even get me started on Kakashi! That bastard only made things worse! Tripping me up and holding me down while she chased me around the house.'

'It's alright.' Minato chuckled as he moved towards the front door. 'I'll go explain things to her.'

'You better sensei!' Minato turned to shush his student with a finger to his lips as the occupants of the surrounding homes began to stir.

'Minato?' The lanky blond turned to find a slender fair-skinned woman with flowing onyx locks watching him from across the street.

'Mikoto-san.' Minato greeted with a bow. 'Sorry I didn't see you there.'

'It's alright. Could you just have him keep it down a little?' As she spoke Minato noticed the groggy two-year old draped across her shoulder. 'Itachi-kun is trying to sleep.'

'Gomen, gomen.' Minato said with an apologetic bow as he slowly backed away from his friend as she prepared to leave.

'That reminds me,' Mikoto said turning to face him once more. 'I heard Kushina's back in town.' Minato froze as his gaze fell to his feet. 'Have you seen her?'

'I'm meeting her soon at Ichiraku's.' He replied with a nod.

'I'm so glad.' Mikoto said, relief evident in her delicate features. 'I hope you two work it out. You both seem so happy together.'

'Leave him be, Mikoto.' Fugaku Uchiha said emerging from the shadows with a bright green dinosaur plushy. He promptly extended his hand, offering the toy to his son with a hopeful look.

'Good evening Fugaku-senpai.' Minato greeted with a bow. Fugaku reached out to stroke his son's cheek adoringly as he offered Minato a small nod of acknowledgment. Itachi received the toy and examined it briefly before tossing it aside with an annoyed grunt.

'Don't Fugaku.' Mikoto sighed as she watched her husband disappear down an alley to retrieve the discarded toy. 'I don't know why you keep offering it to him. He doesn't want it.'

'He's just playing with me.' Fugaku replied an uncharacteristic tenderness softening his typically stoic tone. 'Right Itachi-kun?'

'When are you heading out?' Mikoto wondered turning to address Minato. Minato didn't realize that he had been smiling as he watched the doting clan lord offer the toy once more until Mikoto turned to face him.

'I'm not sure.' Minato replied. 'But soon I expect. My name should be coming up on the rotation pretty quickly.'

'Hmm, Morino's group departed last week and I think they were the last of the M's.' Mikoto offered with a contemplative frown. At that moment, the toddler in her arms began to fuss drawing her attention towards him once more. 'Gomen, I think Itachi-kun is ready for some dinner. Speaking of which you should stop by some time whenever you return.'

'Will do.' Minato said with a wave as his friend turned to tend to her restless son, cooing softly as she started towards their home. Behind them, Fugaku paused to dust off the green toy once more before turning to follow his wife.

'Oh, sensei!' Obito's called from his bedroom window with a singsong tone. 'Are you forgetting something?'

'Right. Coming.'

'What the hell Namikaze? I've been waiting for ages, you know.' Kushina scolded as the blond ducked beneath the small curtains of the ramen shop.

'Now you know how I felt.' Minato teased as he settled down unto the stool she had reserved for him. As he turned to examine the menu, he noticed her knuckles clench into a tight fist from the corner of his eye and turned to face her.

'I said I was sorry, you know.' Minato didn't miss the guilty crease of her forehead as she shifted uncomfortably.

'Relax.' Minato said giving her a jovial shove. 'I was just teasing. Besides you can make it up to me by letting me cook you dinner sometime.'

'Seriously, Namikaze?' Kushina said recoiling in mock horror as the blond threw back his head in laughter. 'Are you trying to kill me or something? I thought we were supposed to be friends.'

'Just friends?' Minato asked arching an eyebrow as he watched her hopefully. Before she could respond, Teuchi appeared at the counter to take their order. 'Just friends?' He repeated once the ramen cook disappeared with their orders.

'Did you have something else in mind?' Kushina asked coyly batting her lashes as she traced two fingers up his sleeve before squeezing his bicep suggestively.

'Don't.' Minato said quietly turning away.

'Why not?' Kushina whined. 'I wasn't kidding when I said that I missed you.' When he didn't say anything the redhead leaned forward, brushing her lips against his earlobe as she rested her palm against his knee. 'I would have you right here and now if you wouldn't die of shame.'

'What are we?' Minato asked abruptly turning to face her. 'Honestly.'

'What would you like us to be?' Kushina countered with a coy giggle.

'You know exactly what I want.' Minato replied calmly meeting her gaze. Kushina clapped her hands and turned towards Ichiraku.

'Can we get it to go please Teuchi-san?'

'Hai!' The cook replied without turning around. Kushina turned and gave him a meaningful smile as she leaned in for a kiss.

'It's a simple question Kushina.' Minato said denying her with a last-minute jerk of his head in the opposite direction. 'And I want a serious answer. I think I'm entitled to one.'

'You're going to make me beg for it, aren't you?' Kushina said with a dejected sigh. 'I wouldn't have it any other way, you know!' The abrupt change in her tone stunned Minato Namikaze into silence as he watched her hop off her stool and duck out of the ramen stand. He turned to call out for her but stopped when he noticed Kushina hugging a startled-looking Rin.

'Oh, are you leaving already?' Rin asked once Kushina released her.

'I have to get home, ya know.' Kushina replied with a wink. 'Pervy-sage! What brings you out here?'

'I heard you were back and figured you would drag Minato out here.' Jiraiya replied. Although his tone was respectful, Minato didn't miss the disapproving look in his sensei's eyes as he turned from Kushina.

'Is everything alright sensei?' Minato wondered as the tall sannin walked around Kushina.

'Sandaime-sama asked me to fetch you.' The toad sage replied.

'Right, I'm on my way.' Minato clapped his hands together as he prepared to weave the hand seal of his teleportation jutsu. Jiraiya's large palm closed down on his fingers interrupting their movements.

'It's a nice night out.' The white-haired sannin observed with a jovial smile. 'Walk with me.'

'Hai.' Minato said before turning to address Rin. 'We'll talk later, alright?' When his student nodded, he ruffled her hair affectionately before turning to follow his sensei.

For the first time since his genin days, Minato was grateful for the silence that filled the space between them as they walked down the moonlit streets of downtown Konoha. Although he could sense his sensei slowly working up the courage to scold him, Minato was content to listen to the discordant chorus of the distant crickets as they approached the Hokage Manor. As the manor drew closer and closer, Minato's attention was inevitably drawn to the stone image of the second Hokage.

'Did I tell you that I've been studying Nidaime-sama's tracking jutsu—you know the one that allows you to detect a person's clan simply by sensing their chakra signature.'

'Did she give you a good enough reason to take her back, Minato?' Jiraiya asked in a low voice. 'Or are you just a glutton for punishment?'

'You should talk, sensei.' Minato teased. 'You've been chasing the same woman's heart for over twenty years without any progress.'

'That's different and you know it.' Jiraiya snapped turning to face his student. 'Nothing I can offer could ever fill the void he left in her heart. At least I know what's stopping her. What's Kushina's excuse?'

'I don't know.' Minato replied with a shrug. 'I think she just felt suffocated. We're only kids. Marriage isn't something anyone should enter int—'

'Don't!' Jiraiya said interrupting his student. 'You're better than this. I know you are. You can't expect me to sit idly by while my student repeats the mistakes of my youth.'

'I understand,sensei.' Minato said turning to continue down the path to the manor. Jiraiya opened and closed his mouth as if to say something but decided against it as he turned to follow his student.

Orochimaru's arm was draped around the back of the Sandaime's sofa, golden eyes narrowed in concentration as they studied the scroll on his lap. When Jiraiya and Minato walked into the room, his gaze shifted from his jovial teammate to his prodigious protégé. The pair greeted the Sandaime with a bow as the elderly kage looked up from his pipe.

'Ah, you found him.' The Sandaime said with a grateful nod at his former student as he turned to join Orochimaru on the sofa. The Hokage plucked the scroll from Orochimaru's lap before holding it out for Minato to see the 'S' emblazoned on its cover.

'You must be thrilled seeing your wife again after five months.' Orochimaru remarked with a silky chuckle. 'How unfortunate having to leave so soon after her return.'

'Uzumaki-san and I are not married.' Minato corrected tersely. He stilled his anger at the sound of the Snake Sannin's mocking chuckle.

'Dodged a kunai there, if you ask me.'

'No one asked you Orochimaru!' Jiraiya snapped turning on his teammate. Minato turned and gave his sensei a grateful smile before returning his attention to the Hokage.

'That's enough you two.' Hiruzen Sarutobi said with a weary sigh. Minato felt a twinge of sympathy as he remembered how often he had to step between his two squabbling students. 'I have a mission that requires your urgent attention. You would have to leave first thing in the morning.'

Minato accepted the scroll from the Sandaime and read its contents before stowing it in his flak jacket pocket.

Secrets Of The Sand Theme Song

'As you've already guessed, it is imperative that no one discovers Konoha's involvement in this affair.' Sarutobi warned with a sad frown. 'Tensions with Sunagakure are high enough as it is—an international incident is the last thing we need.'

'Understood.' Minato turned to leave but remembered something and stopped in his tracks. 'Oh, there is one more thing, Sandaime-sama.'

Minato poked his head out of his bathroom at the faint but unmistakable sound of knocking. With bathed breath, he strained his senses as he tried to determine who could be visiting him at this hour.

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'It's me sensei.' Rin's muffled voice called from the other side of the door. Minato crossed his living room and unlocked his front door, stepping aside to let the petite brunette in.

'Kushina-senpai asked me to bring these over.' Rin said holding up a plastic bag of steaming noodles from Ichiraku's. Minato accepted the package from her with a grateful bow, frowning to himself when he noticed Kushina's order beneath his.

'What happened to your hair, sensei?' Rin asked pointing. His once-spiky blond locks had been tamed into a slick side part held back in a low ponytail.

'Oh, er I'm working on my disguise.' Minato replied beckoning for her to follow him as he returned to the bathroom. Rin gasped as she took in the various bottles and cans of gels and dyes strewn across his bathroom counter.

'What do you need a disguise for?' Rin wondered.

'My mission.' Minato replied distractedly as he returned to grinding a pinkish powder with a tiny ceramic pestle.

'I see.' Rin replied dejectedly. 'Does that mean no training until you return?'

'Nope.' Minato was pouring water into the mortar now. 'Jiraiya-sensei has offered to train the boys while I'm gone.'

'Oh,' Rin shuffled awkwardly behind him. 'What about me?' She wondered.

Secrets Of The Sandhills

'You're coming with me.' Minato paused and turned to give her a warm smile. 'Unless you'd rather stay behind to train with the others.' Rin's eyes lit up as she leapt forward, enveloping her sensei's waist with a suffocating hug.

'Thank you, thank you. Thank you, sensei!' Rin squealed breathlessly jumping up and down as she released him. Smiling to himself, Minato pointed towards his dining chair where his flak jacket hung.

'There's a scroll in the right breast pocket I want you to study.' Rin rushed to retrieve the scroll he had described. 'Can you read my handwriting?' She squinted down at her mentor's untidy scrawl and nodded after some time.

'I can manage.' She replied. 'Sensei, what kind of mission are we going on?'

'Before I tell you anything I need to know that you'll be able to handle it first.' Just then, there was a sudden knock on his door. Minato set the mortar down as he moved to unlock the front door. 'I need you to learn that seal by tomorrow morning.'

'Aye aye captain!' Rin replied with an excited salute. 'Oh, hello Kushina-senpai.' Minato froze when he realized who was standing on the other side of the door.

'Thanks for dropping that off for me, Rin-chan.' Kushina said ruffling the girl's head affectionately as she invited herself inside Minato's apartment.

'You can't stay.' Minato said hastily shutting the door behind her as he crossed the room to retrieve her bowl of ramen. 'I have to be up first thing tomorrow morning and I still have a lot of packing to do.'

'What on earth did you do to your hair?' She asked ignoring her food as she tugged at his hair.

'I need a disguise for my mission.' He replied with a huff as he returned to the bathroom. 'But I can't think of anything.'

'Can't you just use a transformation jutsu?' Kushina wondered with a bemused chuckle.

'I can't risk someone seeing through my disguise.' Minato replied. 'Besides the transformation jutsu requires chakra and concentration to maintain it and I'm not sure how long I'll need the disguise.'

'Here, let me.' Kushina said pushing past him. She studied the cans and jars on his counter before snapping her fingers. She opened a cabinet to retrieve something before ushering him towards the dining table where she coaxed him into a waiting chair.

'What are you doing?'

'Have you ever considered dying your hair?' Kushina asked running a hand through his soft blond locks.

'I did but I couldn't decide on a color.' Minato shrugged.

'I know just the thing.' Kushina said lowering her head to give him a mischievous wink before returning to her work. The soothing sensation of her slender fingers combing and massaging his scalp lulled Minato into a light snooze. By the time he awoke, Kushina was sitting on the chair opposite him slurping down her bowl of ramen. As she got up to wash the plates in the sink she noticed him yawning and gave him an admiring smile.

'Go look.' She said nodding towards the bathroom. Minato groggily ambled towards the bathroom, pausing to flip the switch before turning to inspect his reflection. His light blue eyes widened as they took in the shock of orange spikes framing his features. Although his hair color was the only discernible change in his appearance, the effect was striking.

'Thank you.' Minato said when he noticed Kushina's reflection leaning against the doorframe. Online casino us accept paypal. He turned to give her a grateful smile but she closed the distance between them, dragging his head down until his lips met her heated mouth. Against his better judgment, Minato reached around and pulled her until her body was flush against his taut torso.

The red-haired jinchuriki pushed him back against the bathroom counter, slipping a knee between his thighs which she rubbed against the tent in his pants. Minato's lips released hers as he threw his head back with a low growl of pleasure. Her knee continued its gentle ministrations drawing out pained grunts and moans as the blue-eyed jounin gripped the bathroom counter for dear life.

'Kushi please.' Minato ground out with a breathless shiver as his member strained against the restrictive fabric of his trousers.

'It's not fun, is it?' Kushina taunted leaning forward as she pressed her palm against his clothed sex. He reached down to push her hand away but she smacked his arm away before pinning it down forcefully with one arm. Minato twisted around until he was facing the mirror, his back towards her as he struggled to catch his breath and regain his composure.

'I want more Kushi.' He said not daring to even meet her reflection's gaze. 'I want you to belong to me. I'm sick of playing this game with you. If you won't mar—' It took Minato several moments to realize that the shameless grunts of pleasure were coming from him as Kushina slipped one small hand down the waistband of his pants. Her soft calloused fingers deftly freed his member from the restrictive fabric of his underwear, enveloping his throbbing need with her heated palm.

Minato's knees buckled as he watched his reflection's flushed features contort with pleasure as his lover's hand merciless ripped the last shreds of his dignity. The knot in his stomach exploded painfully as he succumbed to the throes of passion, falling forward as the room around him spun out of focus. He watched with lust-laden eyes as Kushina extricated her hand from his soiled pants, reaching around him to wash away the remnants of his seed that clung to her skin.

A seductive smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she watched the trembling jounin hoist himself up. She reached out and guided him away from the counter, ignoring his feeble protests as she led him towards his bedroom. Pinning his hands high above his head, the hot-tempered jinchuriki spread her legs as she straddled him on the bed. She slipped her hand beneath his shirt, relishing the restless growl he emitted as her palm slid down his taut abs.

'Please.' The jinchuriki leaned down to capture his lips with hers, ripping his shirt open as her hands reached for his stiffening member. She loosened her kimono-like blouse, tossing it to the side as she freed his throbbing need. Parting his thighs with one hand, she guided herself down until she engulfed him. Minato threw back his head as he adjusted to the familiar tightness of her walls clenching greedily around him. His hands wrapped around her hips as his began to thrust wildly drawing out loud wanton gasps from the blushing redhead.

Planting her hands on either side of him, Kushina slowed the rhythm of her hips to a torturous grind, relishing the pained edge in her lover's voice as he cried out for her. When his hands tried to dictate the thrust of her hips, she wrest them away and guided them to the swell of her bouncing bosom. His long fingers closed around the erect buds of her nipples while his calloused palms kneaded her generous mounds. She abruptly picked up the rhythm of her thrusts, enjoying the harsh smacking sound of her buttocks against his muscular thighs.

Minato twisted beneath her, throwing her unto her back as he mounted her. Ripping away her mesh under armor with his left hand, Minato leaned forward to claim an exposed breast with his mouth. Noisily sucking the delicate flesh as his newly-freed hand continued kneading her other mound. Minato guided himself into her, lifting her leg up until it fell on his shoulder. He leaned down against her, pounding harshly into her overflowing sex as she screamed and pulled at his newly-dyed hair. Her legs wrapped around his thrusting waist as she neared her inevitable climax. A euphoric tingle washed over her trembling form as he urged her over the edge. He collapsed into a panting mess as he emptied himself inside her. Kushina turned to watch as he buried his face into his pillow with an exhausted growl. A small smirk lined her lips as she watched him turn away from her with a bitter sigh.

'Do you want me to go?' She asked softly rubbing a soothing circle along his spine.

'Do whatever you want.' Minato said reaching up to stifle a sudden yawn. Kushina sat up and leaned her weight against him as she reached for her discarded clothes on the floor. His large hand stopped her as she pulled her blouse towards her. Their eyes met and Kushina felt a twinge of guilt at the hurt reflected in his sky blue eyes. 'So you do want to leave?' He asked mildly incredulous.

'I have to get back to my own bed.' She replied with a nonchalant shrug as she freed her wrist from his grasp. Minato retracted his hand as he watched her gather the rest of her clothes.

'What's wrong with sharing mine?' He asked as she rose from the bed and began to get dressed.

'Nothing. Just a little crowded, you know.' The redhead replied with a coy wink.

'I see.' Kushina froze at the bitter tone of his voice and turned to face him. He was lying on his stomach, face buried beneath a soft white pillow as the rumpled sheets clung to his sweat-soaked skin.

'Don't tell me you're sulking.' She teased leaning on his shoulder as she tried to coax the pillow out of his hands. His grip around the pillow tightened the harder she pulled until she finally gave up.

'I don't think we should be friends anymore.' Minato declared as she prepared to leave. She opened and closed her mouth several times to say something but guilt weighed her tongue down. Deciding that it was for the best, Kushina turned and disappeared into the night for what Minato hoped would be the last time.

Secret of the Cerulean Sand
(Patapata Hikōsen no Bōken)
GenreAdventure, science fiction
Anime television series
Directed byYuichiro Yano
StudioTelecom Animation Film
Original networkWOWOW
Original run 5 January 2002 29 June 2002

Secret of Cerulean Sand (パタパタ飛行船の冒険, Patapata Hikōsen no Bōken) is a 26-episode anime television series. The main character is a 15-year-old English girl named Jane Buxton, who dreams of building a flying machine. The series documents her journey through the Near East to find her brother. It is set in the late 19th century where impossible technologies such as landships and 'floating liquid' exist side by side in a steampunk world.

The series is loosely based on two works by Jules Verne—his posthumous 1919 novel The Barsac Mission (L’Étonnante Aventure de la mission Barsac, consisting of two volumes—Book 1, Into the Niger Bend, and Book 2, City in the Sahara) as well as his 1896 novel Facing the Flag (Face au drapeau).

Secrets Of The Sand Tv Series

External links[edit]

  • Patapata Hikousen no Bouken (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia

Secrets Of The Singing Sands

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